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Equity by Design Resources

Equity by Design resources for Faculty and Staff.

What is Culturally Responsive Teaching?

Culturally Responsive Teaching is a pedagogical approach that uses "the cultural knowledge, prior experiences, frames of reference, and performance styles of ethnically diverse students to make learning encounters more relevant to and effective for them" (Geneva Gay, 2010).  CRT is a wholistic approach that informs all aspects of teaching to ensure student success, including instructional techniques, instructional materials, student-teacher relationships, classroom climate, and self-awareness.

8 Culturally Responsive Teaching Competencies


1. Reflect on how one's own cultural lens, biases, values, and assumptions affects their teaching.

2. Recognize and redress bias in institutions and society.

3. Draw on students' culture to shape curriculum and instruction, allowing them opportunity to connect their personal beliefs, values, and experiences to learning outcomes.

4. Bring real-world issues into the classroom.

5. Model high expectations for all students.

6. Promote respect for student differences.

7. Collaborate with families and the local community.

8. Communicate in linguistically and culturally responsive ways.


Image Source: Muñiz, J. (2019). Culturally Responsive Teaching: A 50-State Survey of Teaching Standards.  New America.

Culturally Responsive Teaching Resources

Examples of CRT Practices and Assignments